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3 Easy Ways To Start Using Cheaper, Eco-Friendly Containment

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As a restoration professional, you know the importance of a proper containment system. Most jobs require filtration of harmful airborne particles, like mold spores or asbestos. Instead of tacking up and tearing down a single-use setup, look into different options in Los Gatos, CA. Your business can save money and the environment by using the latest innovations in air filtration, such as AIRWALL. Find out how to make the simple switch.

1. Ditch the Tape and Plastic Sheets

Dirty, haphazardly hung plastic is a fixture of most construction sites. Not only is it unappealing to look at, it’s not doing your team any favors. Taping up plastic may seem like the best solution, but in reality, it:

  • Wastes setup time
  • Tears easily
  • Lets in contaminants

These sheets are passed through by the crew and other individuals on the property. Each time this barrier is broken, it lets out bits of those particles you’re trying so hard to keep in. Instead, using a system like AIRWALL saves time and performs better. Your restoration crew just has to inflate the reusable system, and let the vents and HEPA filters do the work.

2. Disinfect and Reuse

Reusing a containment system may sound like a messy process, but it doesn’t have to be. To avoid spreading any contaminants, inflatable systems are easily disinfected. Reduce the risk of cross-contamination by cleaning the inflatable wall and replacing filters regularly. This is less costly and time-consuming than gathering up tape and plastic every time you book a new job.

3. Breathe Easy

Your clients and crew will breathe more easily, literally and figuratively. Proper containment systems provide purification of indoor air and entrapment of any harmful agents, saving the environment and your health. Environmentally friendly products are not only helpful, they look aesthetically pleasing to clients.

The difference between using dingy plastic sheets and using AIRWALL is palpable. The air is cleaner, clients are happier, and your restoration team can make more money instead of worrying about failing tape. Instead of repeatedly replacing barriers, invest a barrier for life.

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