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Top 3 Reasons Why Airwall Is the Future of Restoration

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Airwall reusable containment is a restoration product made with the future in mind. Beyond reducing labor costs and facilitating the set-up process, it is also designed to reduce contamination and protect the state of the environment. Restoration professionals, who are curious about green products can learn more about how Airwall can be an innovation they could consider.
1. Contaminant Containment
The contaminants present in most damage remediation cases also harm the environment and everyone living in it. Untreated water damage can lead to mold, while fire damage can spread ash and soot. A portable containment system traps these hazards in the affected area, prevents attachment to clean surfaces and significantly improves the building’s air quality. This unit can also be used to detain other airborne agents and particles such as allergens, sawdust, dirt, debris and germs.
2. Reduced Plastic Waste
The inherent nature of reusable containment means that restoration specialists do not have to purchase equipment after each job and can reuse the system in the future. While these practices reduce operation expenses, they also slash a notable amount of plastic waste. Most temporary barriers are made of plastic and tape that are not biodegradable. When they are disposed, they stay on landfills, the ground or bodies of water, taking up space and polluting the environment. Reusable materials cut this waste and reduce the potential harm.
3. Speed and Efficiency
Restoration equipment providers offer their clients products that are easy to assemble, use and disassemble for increased work efficiency. Though this feature is a clear example of innovation, it also makes it more globally conscious. A faster process means that remediation agents can stop pollutants before the damage increases. Additionally, their equipment can consume less energy, decreasing the carbon footprint and bills.
Reusable containment systems such as Airwall can not only increase efficiency and savings, but also contribute to environmental sustainability. Restoration companies that invest in the future may consider using them in their operations.

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