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Think about all of the terms and acronyms that you haven’t wrapped your head around yet. If you’ve ever purchased a negative air vacuum or purifier for your business you have probably seen the term HEPA filter and wondered what it meant. Even if you know that professional restoration companies use it, you probably don’t know what it means or why it is important. Here are some facts about these filters.

How Do They Work?

Modern HEPA filters work for containment because they are made from interlaced glass fibers woven into a maze. As particles try to cross this web, they are taken out of the air in several ways. These include:

Direct impaction

What Does HEPA Stand For?

The High-Efficiency Particulate Air or HEPA designation is given to filters when they can trap almost all 0.3-micron particles. The creation of these filters dates back to World War II where they were invented to protect against radioactive particles from the creation of atomic bombs.

What Happens When Particles Penetrate the Filter?

There is no need to worry about particles that get through a HEPA filter or containment system. You can use other technologies alongside the filter to prevent inhaling super-contaminants, like smoke, fumes, and chemicals. For instance, activated charcoal filters are often used to catch the chemicals, odors, and smoke that HEPA filters miss.

Where Are HEPA Filters Used?

HEPA filters were originally designed for use in laboratory and factory containment systems. Although they are still used in this, they have also become prominent in the restoration industry. However, they are now used in many consumer products, such as air purifiers, cars, and vacuums.

Whether you are researching the best reusable containment system for your laboratory or searching for a good air purifier, it is important to know what HEPA filters are. These are filters containing woven glass fibers designed to remove specific particles from the air.

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