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HEPA filters have become the leading recommended filter by air quality experts. The acronym stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter and it is best known for its ability to filter out small air particles up to .03 microns. These include:

Pet dander
Mold spores
Dust mites

HEPA technology has been leading in medical hygiene technology. It is versatile in its uses and can be purchased as an HVAC air filter, vacuum bag, and air purifier filter. Here are 3 known benefits of a HEPA Filter.

1. Containment of Infectious Diseases

When a person becomes ill with a spreadable disease, it can easily become a family problem, especially if there are any immunocompromised members. A containment system that utilizes a HEPA filtration system will lessen the chances of a viral infection spreading. Many companies are selling reusable containment systems, which are excellent for the environment and lessen costs for restoration companies.

2. Improved Air Quality

The air quality is measured by the amount of pollution in the air. A HEPA filter will decrease the number of airborne particles contributing to many health benefits. It is especially useful for people with allergies and asthma. You can improve the air quality in your home by installing HEPA filters in your HVAC system and air purifiers.

3. Better Cleaning

You can also find HEPA bags for vacuum cleaners. Using this type of bag will keep particles from escaping when you clean, producing cleaner air in your home. Houses with carpet will see better results from vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum bag.

A HEPA filter offers many benefits people who live with immunocompromised family members. Utilizing a containment system, HVAC filter, or vacuum that can remove viral, bacterial, and fungal microorganisms from the air will contribute to better air quality and health, providing you a safer home environment.

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