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Why Containment Matters

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When a homeowner contacts your restoration company about water damage, you want to have a team on the scene as soon as possible. After your technicians assess the damage, the next step is blocking off the affected area. This phase of the process is essential, and a reusable containment product can reduce both labor and equipment costs.

‍During water restoration, you want to keep the problem in as small an area as possible. Blocking off airways to other parts of the home restricts the movement of several substances:

By containing these substances from the beginning, technicians are able to focus on the damaged area without worrying about what the mitigation process is doing to the rest of the house. Containment makes the process go more smoothly.

Starting the remediation process by blocking off the rest of the home can cut down on the tasks involved in completing restoration. Ideally, the team only needs to run one pre-test and post-test and perform one cleanup. If bacteria and mold escape, however, the process also has to be completed for every other potential area it may have reached. Failure to protect the rest of the home can significantly increase your team’s workload.

Anything that reduces the amount of time your team has to spend on site naturally reduces labor costs, which increases your overall profits. Your choice of equipment used to block off the area can also minimize your expenses. Disposable materials have to be replaced with every job, which can get expensive over time. Reusable devices can be disinfected and stored for the next time your team needs them.‍

Good restoration practices begin with good protection. Taking the proper containment measures with reusable products protects your customers’ homes and can save you a lot of money in labor and materials.

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